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Scheduled for release in June, 2003 is the next generation of the Mobea-C Digital Video Recorder (DVR). This ground-breaking unit, called the Mobea-CW, will feature a wireless capability backed by the same power and features of the Mobea-C. By expanding on our core technological platform, the wireless application will accommodate the transmission of video data from the MDVR to a remote monitoring station or in field patrol via RF, Satellite or Cellular infrastructure.

An exciting part of the wireless package is the ability of the Mobea-C hardware and software platform to support the processing of two distinct video singles; one for full-motion and high resolution recoding to disk and another lower frame-rate lower resolution for wireless transmission. The Mobea-CW system will provide its user with the ability to view real-time images for use in situational assessment while an evidence quality version of the events is being simultaneously recorded for future retrieval if needed.